We appreciate your referrals and are committed to supporting your work with your clients by providing outstanding services and immediate, easy access to information on your client's involvement in our program. On this page you will find information on:
If you haven't already done so, please read through the other pages on this website, especially the page "An Important Choice". We also want you to know we welcome you to come and visit one or more of our classes. We love showing what we do and how it works. Over the years we've learned that when a referral source actually comes to visit a class we instantly become an important option in their toolbox of service providers. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions as to how we might better serve you.
When you send a referral through KidTraks to Abuse Counseling and Education, please also provide the client with instructions to call the toll free number or visit the website for the program local to your area. Our decades of experience has shown conclusively that clients are much more likely to comply and show up to enroll in the program if you provide them with instructions to call our toll free number or to visit our website for enrollment instructions rather than if we make the initial contact after the referral.